🌟 How to Win with Bad Experiences

🌟 How to Win with Bad Experiences
Things have drastically changed around the world within the last year. With change, comes the opportunity to make things even better than they were before.

Take these challenging times and turn it around. Ask, “How can I make this situation work for me?” There is always a silver lining to everything. Take these circumstances and WIN with them.

Join me!! I am putting the finishing touches in an amazing 9 week event that will empower you to use the challenges to work for you. Turn what was meant to hold you back into a catalyst to launch you into living your best life. You are worthy right now. For more information, message me at info@arleneamora.com

Want Everyone to like you?

Want Everyone to like you?
You are not for everyone!
Everyone doesn’t like the same things and that’s ok. Everyone has their unique style of clothing, different foods they like, different careers, etc. This means that Everyone is different, right?

In that unique difference - there is a difference of opinion. Some people may view it as a person not liking the other. That’s ok for someone not to like you. Don’t go out of your way to try and make someone like you. That’s a huge waste of time (been there - done that ... the person still doesn’t like me. & If you’re the person that doesn’t like me and you are reading this - “Hey There ,no hate but just keep it moving”).

There are BILLIONS of people in this world. Don’t ever allow ONE person not liking you to ruin your day, week, month, year or life. You cannot please everyone and if you tried, you will fail (again, speaking from experience).

You are not here to make everyone like you. You are here on a special assignment to do what you gotta do. Do not get side tracked with people who talk bad about you and try to push you down. Enforce clear boundaries and keep going forward..
I’m finalizing an empowering virtual workshop that will help enhance your mind, body and spirit wellness. If you want the info before it hits the public, message me and I will get you all the details..